ISIS GENERAL ASSEMBLY (August 23 and 27, 2010)


(during the 8th congress of ISIS, Gmuend, Austria – August 23-28, 2010)

Venue: Gasthof Prunner: Patio (a congress hotel) – August 23 (M) at19:30

If there is no quorum in that time (the first day of the congress),

the new schedule is – August 27 (F) at 19:30

at the same place with the same Agenda


(1) Opening

(2) Report by Ted Goranson (Chairman, ISIS-US) about the new site

(3) Report by Dénes Nagy (President)

(4) Report by George Lugosi (Treasurer)

(5) The journals of ISIS and the Membership Fee

– (5.1) Printed journal

– (5.2) E-journal

(6) Proposal: The establishment of the Youth Organization of ISIS

(7) Deciding the location of the next congress of ISIS in 2013 and other events

(8) Revision of the Acts of ISIS

ISIS is registered in Hungary, which country became a member of EU, and thus the old Acts require some revisions accordingly

(9) Election of officers

(10) Others

Let me know if you suggest new items.

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2 Responses to ISIS GENERAL ASSEMBLY (August 23 and 27, 2010)

  1. Dear Denes Nagy !

    Excited to hear from your event in Gmünd.
    Are you around the CHB – Collegium Hungaricum Berlin sometimes?

    Me: I struggeled for years to make this event come true: (maybe you like it)
    Conference on NEW IDEAS IN SCIENCE AND ART, A New Space for Culture and Society, COUNCIL OF EUROPE, in Prag Castle 1996 or so….

    stay in touch ? SKYPE !?



  2. This is an excellent post and may be one that is followed up to see what happens

    A good friend mailed this link the other day and I’m excitedly waiting your next post. Keep on on the incredible work.

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